An Architectural Culture for the People

Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya, more popularly known as Romo (Father) Mangun, died 10 years ago. An architect alumni of the Bandung Institute of Technology, Erwinthon P. Napitupulu, has recently traced and documented Mangunwijaya’s architectural achievements in a book which will be published before the end of this year. It will describe in detail for the public the architectural style of Romo Mangun who last May 6—had he lived—would have been exactly 80 years old.

May 26, 2009

WHEN he first read the news of Romo Mangun’s death on the Internet, Erwinthon Parulian Napitupulu began to cry. At the time Erwin was a lecturer in architecture and Head of the Computer Lab at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and had never met Romo Mangun before. Nevertheless, he immediately left for Jogjakarta to attend his funeral. The body of this pastor and architect who had passed away on 10 February 1999 was laid out for the publ


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