Film Festival in the Snowy Hills
For the past 10 years, independent films—known as indie films—have become the films of choice for well-known actors and actresses as well as directors seeking prestige. After being stuck in mainstream films, top-name actors and actresses search out independent films and visit the Sundance Film Festival, an international independent film festival supported and nurtured by actor/director Robert Redford.
What is the Sundance Film Festival? Can it still maintain its special character as an indie film festival which gives priority to new directors making films outside of Hollywood? And what position do Indonesian films and films about Indonesia have at this festival? Film observer and lecturer in film at Binus International, Ekky Imanjaya visited the Sundance Film Festival 2011. This is his report.
March 16, 2011
IN the old town of Park City already covered in snow, the clock was approaching midnight. Dozens of people stood patiently in a neat line in front of a temple, even though the cold that night was bone-chilling. They are film lovers of all ages—from teenagers to seniors—who are willing to stand in line for a ticket at the Sundance Film Festival, held every year in the state of Utah, USA.
Wearing thick jackets and gloves, scarves wrapped aroun