Fundraising and Gender Justice

Held for the first time since friends of Saparinah Sadli founded the award to seek women leaders in the spirit of its namesake a decade ago, the event was held on July 16-17 at the Cemara 6 Gallery and Museum in Central Jakarta, graciously made available by its owner Toeti Heraty. It attracted more than 50 visitors, many of whom were friends of the organizers who had managed to navigate the horrendous traffic jams that prevented many others from coming to the show in those two days.

Following the spirit of balance that the award advocates for gender justice, the show included female and male artists, including Astari Rasjid, Dolorosa Sinaga, Iriantine Karnaya, Diah Yulianti, Laksmi Shitaresmi and Wara Anindiyah. There were also a younger generation of artists whose works are being influenced by new findings and materials of the time in which we live; these included Aditiya Novali, Albert Yonathan Setyawan, Angki Purbandono, Agan Simatupang, Entang Wiharso and Willis Turner Henry. Also participating were Hermandari Kartowisastro, a late bloomer in photography, and Debra Yatim, better known as a journalist and activist. Other artists included the late Darmadji Satiman and Yayak Yatmaka.

August 26, 2014

Held for the first time since friends of Saparinah Sadli founded the award to seek women leaders in the spirit of its namesake a decade ago, the event was held on July 16-17 at the Cemara 6 Gallery and Museum in Central Jakarta, graciously made available by its owner Toeti Heraty. It attracted more than 50 visitors, many of whom were friends of the organizers who had managed to navigate the horrendous traffic jams that prevented many others from


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