Ganefo, Ganefo...

Seventeen seniors in white kebaya (traditional blouse) and chignons suddenly broke into Viva Ganefo, a 1963 song written by Asmoro to celebrate the Games of the New Emerging Forces (Ganefo), with gusto.

The group calls itself Paduan Suara Dialita. On that particular night, during the opening of Biennale Jogja XIII, they performed such 1960s compositions as Padi untuk India (Rice for India) and Asia Afrika Bersatu (Asia Africa Unite) composed by Sudharnoto, who also wrote Garuda Pancasila.

November 24, 2015

Seventeen seniors in white kebaya (traditional blouse) and chignons suddenly broke into Viva Ganefo, a 1963 song written by Asmoro to celebrate the Games of the New Emerging Forces (Ganefo), with gusto.

The group calls itself Paduan Suara Dialita. On that particular night, during the opening of Biennale Jogja XIII, they performed such 1960s compositions as Padi untuk India (Rice for India) and Asia Afrika Bersatu (Asia Africa Unite) composed by S


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