From Benggala to Papua

Sixty years of independence has not liberated Indonesia from problems of sovereignty. there is increasing awareness on the vulnerability of our sea and land boundaries, following the loss of East Timor and Sipadan-Ligitan. it is an issue of nationalism that must not clash with globalization and democracy.

August 16, 2005

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stood before the giant map spread out on a table in his office. His eyes were transfixed on a small dot in East Kalimantan waters. Thats Sebatik Island, he said.

Deftly, his hands pointed to another island, Miangas, off the north Sulawesi shores, and Rondo Island, at the western tip off the coast of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. They are small but important points demarcating Indonesias sea boundaries.

The serious


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