Rusdihardjo: "The president is a suspect."

Following are excerpts from the testimony of Indonesia’s former police chief General Rusdihardjo. It was made on November 28 to a special House of Representatives (DPR) committee on the scandal known as Buloggate and on a controversial donation from the Sultan of Brunei. This testimony was obtained from TEMPO’s investigation and information from legislators. This is what Rusdihardjo told them.

December 4, 2000

Late one afternoon in early May at around 4pm I was called by the president, through his adjutant. Later I met him, face to face. At that time the president told me among other things: "Pak Rusdi knows that I cannot see. I have carried out an act that is irreversible and realize this is fatal. I have given a check to the value of Rp5 billion to Siti Farika. I did not see what check it was. The cheque in question was taken from my desk drawer...

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