Agents Out in the Cold

The case review on the Munir case may implicate high-ranking officials from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). The police plan to bring in a number of key witnesses who will confirm BIN’s involvement. They plan to tell the judges about the various scenarios devised to get rid of Munir, the activist. The pieces of the puzzle are slowly being assembled. Can this giant mystery finally be put together and the mastermind put behind bars?

August 21, 2007

THE two men had different backgrounds. One was a former CEO of a state-owned company, the other was a former activist, once a photographer. One hailing from “the hills” and the other from “the sea,” the two last week a shared common ground at the Central Jakarta District Court. In the court’s third-floor waiting room, they were surrounded by six policemen dressed in short-sleeved dress jackets and carrying M-16 rifles. Two guarded the d


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