Muscling In On the Ceger Project

Politician Azis Syamsudin is suspected of aiding Nazaruddin to get a project from the Attorney General's Office. Billions went to the legislature. Yet another indication of the defendant's flow of funds.

March 14, 2012

In modern-day business affairs, schemes can be hatched over the internet. One day in early April 2010, Mindo Rosalina Manulang sent a message to her boss: "Afternoon, Bapak. I want to ask, is Pak Aziz on your team?" She explained that Azis wanted to meet a senior official of the Attorney General's Office (AGO), whom she mentioned as "Iskamto, the Jambin." Jambin is an acronym for Jaksa Agung Muda Pembinaan (Deputy Attorney General for Guidance).

Her bo


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