A Correspondence of Thoughts and Dreams
An ad placed by Kartini, who was looking for a pen-pal, in De Hollandsche Lelie magazine was answered by Estelle 'Stella' Zeehandelaar, a Dutch feminist. Thus began a lengthy and intense correspondence between two forward-thinking women from different countries. The relationship opened the way for the girl from Jepara to relationships with feminists and politicians in the Netherlands, including J. H. Abendanon and his wife, Rosa Manuela Abendanon-Mandri.
April 23, 2013

Just Call Me Kartini"
Kartini railed against feudalism, polygamy and the confinement of young women to the home. She saw equal access to education as the key to progress.
A letter dated May 25, 1899, consisted of 32 paragraphsa long letter, especially by today's standards. Writing to Estelle 'Stella' Zeehandelaar, her first pen-pal in Holland, Raden Ajeng Kartini addressed cultural restrictions, young women and the home, a torturous marriage, her fami