Politics minus the Compromise
Yap Thiam Hien was involuntarily dragged into politics, although he had no ambition for power. To Yap, politics was like seeking justice, opposing discrimination and enforcing human rights. Taking the uncompromising political high road made him different from the mainstream politicians. During the Old Order regime, Yap was sidelined, and under the New Order, he was imprisoned.
June 4, 2013

On the Straight and Narrow
Yap,s uncompromising stance put him at odds with the Baperki leaders. However this did not affect their personal relationships.
At the podium, Yap Thiam Hien was arguing over a particular issue. In a loud voice, he read 19 pages of his views at the 7th Congress of the Indonesian Citizenship Consultative Board (Baperki) in Semarang, on December 24, 1960. ,I am challenging and demanding that the wrongdoings of Mr. Chairman