Lekra and the PKI

IT is difficult to identify a direct connection between the People's Culture Institute (Lekra) and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Although it was set up by Njoto and D.N. Aidit, Lekra was not an organ of the party. Silently vying for alliance with Sukarno, the artists at the Cidurian 19 head office were criticized for their bourgeois lifestyle.

October 1, 2013

Paternity Test
D.N. Aidit strove to make Lekra an official organ of the Indonesian Communist Party. It was a means of getting closer to the power of Sukarno.

IN front of President Sukarno, Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) leaders and some artists, D.N. Aidit affirmed his reasons for establishing the People's Culture Institute (Lekra) in 1950. In his familiar oratory style, the PKI head said, "The founding of Lekra indicates the conscious commencem


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