Truth and consequences

There is a group of people who, despite their different professions and backgrounds, all have something in common: courage. Without their courage, no one would have found out about Asian Agri's tax evasion scandalvalued at Rp1.3 trillion. Neither would anyone have known about the corruption in the procurement of driving simulators or the bribes using traveler's checks that landed 25 members of the House of Representatives in prison. Other exposed scandals include the stone statues theft, solar cell procurement, and the corruption at a high school.

Here are the stories of eight people who took up the fight as 'whistleblowers' in corruption cases. They were willing to run the risk of ending up in prison, losing their jobs, receiving death threats, or even nearly getting killed.

December 24, 2013

ORDINARY people often inspire hopethey are not public figures, nor are they heroes. In the context of corruption eradication, some of them have leaked information and become whistleblowers. For various reasons, they leaked information to the legal authorities and the press in order to expose cases to the general public.

The exposing of the scandal in the Traffic Corps of the National Police Department shows just how powerful their information can


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