Prison, Amnesty, Bureaucracy

THE off-white house at Baciro, Yogyakarta, was the 'crime scene' that put Muhammad Yamin on trial by a military tribunal. Sixty-eight years ago he was charged with planning a coup at the house that at the time belonged to Sundoro Budhyarto Martoatmodjo.

In his defense, later published in the book Sapta Darma in 1950, Yamin said he was charged with issuing four maklumat, letters of declaration, which were presented to Sukarno on July 3, 1946. Yamin, who was born in Talawi, West Sumatra on August 22, 1903, was tried by the court, along with other defendants.

August 19, 2014

Convicted of planning a coup, the first in an independent Indonesia, Yamin spent two years in jail in 26 different prisons.

THE off-white house at Baciro, Yogyakarta, was the 'crime scene' that put Muhammad Yamin on trial by a military tribunal. Sixty-eight years ago he was charged with planning a coup at the house that at the time belonged to Sundoro Budhyarto Martoatmodjo.

In his defense, later published in the book Sapta Darma in 1950, Yamin


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