Sri Roso Sudarmo, Former Regent of Bantul:
I never contacted Kuncung

SRI Roso Sudarmo seemed to be really enjoying his retirement when Tempo visited him at his home one late afternoon last August. He was watering the lawn and the plants in front of his house in Sleman, a suburb of Yogyakarta. Clad in a T-shirt over a sarong, the 67-year-old former bureaucrat and army man, stood close to his Honda car, parked in front of the garage. His property, as big as a volley-ball court, was shaded by trees, giving an impression of coolness and serenity. "I know why Tempo has come all this way, it must be in the pursuit of news," said the former army colonel, greeting Tempo effusively.

For more than a decade, Sri Roso refused to be interviewed by the media regarding Udin, the journalist who was assassinated some years ago in Yogyakarta. Just prior to the interview, he even asked that we seek information from other sources. He relented only after he was convinced that his version of events was required to ensure a balanced report. "Let's not make it too long then, I must finish up watering the plants," he said. He then excused himself to change into a pair of trousers and shirt, combing his hair to look more presentable.

November 11, 2014

SRI Roso Sudarmo seemed to be really enjoying his retirement when Tempo visited him at his home one late afternoon last August. He was watering the lawn and the plants in front of his house in Sleman, a suburb of Yogyakarta. Clad in a T-shirt over a sarong, the 67-year-old former bureaucrat and army man, stood close to his Honda car, parked in front of the garage. His property, as big as a volley-ball court, was shaded by trees, giving an impress


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