For God And Country

Loyal To The Red-And-White

Hamengku Buwono IX only needed three days to declare that Yogyakarta had joined the Republic of Indonesia. He was inspired by an ancient prophesy.

News of Indonesia's independence quickly reached Yogyakarta. Two hours after Sukarno announced it and the Indonesian 'Red and White' flag flew over East Pegangsaan in Central Jakarta-an announcement was made to the congregation attending Friday prayers at the Yogyakarta Grand Mosque. That night, Ki Hajar Dewantara brought together teachers and students of the Taman Siswa educational movement in Java to parade around the town shouting Merdeka! (freedom).

August 17, 2015

Loyal To The Red-And-White

Hamengku Buwono IX only needed three days to declare that Yogyakarta had joined the Republic of Indonesia. He was inspired by an ancient prophesy.

News of Indonesia's independence quickly reached Yogyakarta. Two hours after Sukarno announced it and the Indonesian 'Red and White' flag flew over East Pegangsaan in Central Jakarta-an announcement was made to the congregation attending Friday prayers at the Yogyakarta Gran


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