The King's Political Theater

The Triumvirate In Transition

Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX became an important figure at the start of the New Order. Along with Adam Malik, he supported Suharto.

WITH a loud voice, President Sukarno delivered his state address on August 17, 1966. He blamed three people for undermining his power. He declared, "President Sukarno has been overthrown. President Sukarno has had all his powers eroded. President Sukarno has been tied up by a triumvirate comprising General Suharto, Sultan Hamengku Buwono and Adam Malik!"

August 17, 2015

The Triumvirate In Transition

Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX became an important figure at the start of the New Order. Along with Adam Malik, he supported Suharto.

WITH a loud voice, President Sukarno delivered his state address on August 17, 1966. He blamed three people for undermining his power. He declared, "President Sukarno has been overthrown. President Sukarno has had all his powers eroded. President Sukarno has been tied up by a triumv


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