A Stubborn President, Luhut and Budi

The full recording of the conversation between House Speaker Setya Novanto, businessman Muhammad Riza Chalid, and Freeport Indonesia CEO Maroef Sjamsoeddin was was played in a hearing of the House's ethics council. The 80-minute discussion exposed many things, from a request for company stock, the selection of the National Police Chief to the funding of the 2014 presidential election.

December 8, 2015

The full recording of the conversation between House Speaker Setya Novanto, businessman Muhammad Riza Chalid, and Freeport Indonesia CEO Maroef Sjamsoeddin was was played in a hearing of the House's ethics council. The 80-minute discussion exposed many things, from a request for company stock, the selection of the National Police Chief to the funding of the 2014 presidential election.

00:01 (minutes and seconds)

Assalamualaikum, Pak.

Setya and


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