Yosmina Tapilatu
Exploring Undersea Riches

Yosmina Helena Tapilatu grew up to love the sea. Born in Ternate, North Maluku, she finally took the plunge into deep-sea research. Marine research, according to Yosmina, can bring large changes to the lives of many. "This is rewarding work," said Yosmina in an interview two weeks ago.

Yosmina is an oceanographic researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). She is one of seven female researchers who work at the LIPI Deep Sea Research Center in Ambon, Maluku. There are 25 researchers with varying backgrounds at that marine research institution. Yosmina, however, specializes in marine microbiology research.

April 19, 2016

Yosmina Helena Tapilatu grew up to love the sea. Born in Ternate, North Maluku, she finally took the plunge into deep-sea research. Marine research, according to Yosmina, can bring large changes to the lives of many. "This is rewarding work," said Yosmina in an interview two weeks ago.

Yosmina is an oceanographic researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). She is one of seven female researchers who work at the LIPI Deep Sea Research C


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