Sheila Agatha Wijaya
A Passion For Fashion

FOUR seamstresses had been working nonstop since early morning. They meticulously measured, cut, ironed and sewed the fabrics. Amid the roaring sounds of the nearby sewing machines, the busy seamstresses did not once make a sound.

"They are mute," explained Sheila Agatha, their employer, at her Purbalingga workshop, when she was interviewed two weeks ago. Actually, the workers were deaf-mute but their disabilities did not deter Sheila from employing them.

April 19, 2016

FOUR seamstresses had been working nonstop since early morning. They meticulously measured, cut, ironed and sewed the fabrics. Amid the roaring sounds of the nearby sewing machines, the busy seamstresses did not once make a sound.

"They are mute," explained Sheila Agatha, their employer, at her Purbalingga workshop, when she was interviewed two weeks ago. Actually, the workers were deaf-mute but their disabilities did not deter Sheila from employing


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