The Multi-Pronged Rescue

Suriyansah, 34, was welcomed home with a simple celebration. His family was elated after he was released by the Abu Sayyaf group in the southern Philippines. The neighbors were invited to his house in Kendari last week to give thanks to God. Sinonggi, a Kendari dish made from sago flour, was served. They also served sticky rice and clam soup. "These are all my favorite food," said Suriyansah.

When he arrived in the city of his birth after a layover in Jakarta, Suriyansah was welcomed by his sobbing 69-year-old mother Sumiya. In Jakarta, he took part in more welcoming events. After being released as a hostage in Sulu Province, Suriyansah was flown to Zamboanga by helicopter. From Zamboanga, Suriyansah was flown to Tarakan in Kalimantan, then on to Jakarta.

May 10, 2016

Suriyansah, 34, was welcomed home with a simple celebration. His family was elated after he was released by the Abu Sayyaf group in the southern Philippines. The neighbors were invited to his house in Kendari last week to give thanks to God. Sinonggi, a Kendari dish made from sago flour, was served. They also served sticky rice and clam soup. "These are all my favorite food," said Suriyansah.

When he arrived in the city of his birth after a layove


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