Twists and Flips Along the Way
Some major infrastructure projects may potentially come to a standstill due to poor planning and limited budget. The low economic feasibility of a few of these projects have caused the private sector to lose interest. It comes as no surprise that the government has now assigned several state-owned enterprises to work on certain projects, among others: the first phase of the Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Bekasi Light Rail Transit, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train, and the Trans-Sumatra Toll Road. President Joko Widodo repeatedly had to perform frantic maneuvers, revising regulations, plans, and financing schemes to prevent projects from failing.
November 6, 2017

Strategies for Financing the LRT
Various revisions and new financing strategies are unfolding as development on the Jabodebek Light Rail Transit continues. The government remains optimistic that the LRT will be completed within two years.
JUstice and human rights ministry’s Director-General of Laws and Regulations Widodo Ekatjahjana sent a letter to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati on October 18, in reply t