A Dark Debacle in the Bay

A Pertamina pipeline which broke spilled the equivalent of 40,000 barrels of crude oil into the waters of Balikpapan Bay. The investigation is aimed at the MV Ever Judger vessel, which is suspected to have dropped its anchor in a forbidden area. It is said that Pertamina did not report a fifth pipeline.


April 16, 2018

Two weeks have passed, and the cargo ship MV Ever Judger has not left the waters of Balikpapan Bay in East Kalimantan. This ship, which sails under the flag of Panama, should have set sail on March 30, leaving Balikpapan with a cargo of 74,000 tons of coal, headed for Lumut, Perak, Malaysia. The captain had been authorized to leave by the port authority.

The ship's departure was suddenly halted on that Friday afternoon. Suwardi, Operational Manag


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