A Half-Hearted Presidential Bid

Prabowo Subianto told his party cadres that he is ready to become a presidential candidate. The Gerindra Party is divided: some want to support other candidates. The Presidential Palace has even lobbied him, offering Prabowo to become the incumbent’s vice-presidential running mate.


April 23, 2018


Prabowo Subiantos arrival at the grave of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo went unnoticed by Subari, a caretaker at the Karet Bivak Public Cemetery, Jakarta, whose residence borders the cemetery wall. About two weeks ago, Sumitros son paid his respects to his late father at the cemetry. No one had informed Subari of the visit. Usually before coming, his adjutant lets me know by phone, said Subari, 67, on Friday last week.

On that particular day, Prabowo


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