The Generator at Samantaka’s Mouth

As a part of a 35,000 megawatt program, the Riau-1 Steam Power Plant is targeted to begin commercial operations in 2023. The regional government has not given its authorization yet.


July 24, 2018


The plot which is set to be used as the location for the Riau-1 Steam Power Plant (PLTU) project in the Peranap subdistrict, Indragiri Hulu, Riau, is still covered with rubber trees. It is located just 20 kilometers from the mining area of Samantaka Batubara, a subsidiary of BlackGold Asia Resources Pte. Ltd., which will supply coal for the generator’s fuel needs.

Even though a letter of intent with the consortium which is set to build the


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July 24, 2018


July 24, 2018


July 24, 2018


July 24, 2018