Friends on a Different Path
The government has been approaching the ulama from the camp opposing President Joko Widodo. Reportedly, the police and the National Intelligence Agency have been doing some of the lobbying. Some ulama who supported the 212 movement are now switching sides.
August 7, 2018

While eating specialty foods from South Sulawesi, Arab-style spiced steamed rice and black sticky rice, Anregurutta Haji Faried Wadjedy voiced his support for his guest, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Governor Muhammad Zainul Majdi. Faried Wadjedy, leader of the Mangkoso Darud Da’wah Wal Irsyad (DDI) Islamic Boarding School in Barru Regency agreed with Zainul Majdi’s move to declare his support for Indonesian President Joko Widodo in early