A Determining Factor

The Palace’s support for Mahfud Md had been strengthening over the past two weeks. Doni Monardo and Tuan Guru Bajang were also being considered by Jokowi.


August 14, 2018

The party was about to be called off on Jalan Kramat VI No. 18, Central Jakarta, Thursday night last week. There were no cheers at the office of the MMD Initiative, an institution founded by Mohammad Mahfud Mahmodin, former chair of the Constitutional Court. The 20 or so guests there appeared listless.

In the backyard, Ahmad Fauzi, 46, sat on the ground. "I am disappointed that Mahfud did not become a vice-presidential candidate," said Fauzi, who


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August 14, 2018

August 14, 2018

August 14, 2018

August 14, 2018