The Blue Shirt versus the Black cap

In their position as vice-presidential running mates, Ma’ruf Amin and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno began working quickly to raise support after registering at the General Election Commission (KPU) last August 10. Sandiaga, 49, is targeting women and millennials. Dressed in a sporty blue outfit, this former deputy governor of Jakarta, who is called a santri (an Islamic boarding school student) by the top officials of the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS), is visiting the markets and university campuses.


October 16, 2018


Ma’ruf is still agile at the age of 75, despite not changing his traditional look of a sarong and black peci (rimless cap). He appeared in a video aimed at the youth, estimated to account for about 30-40 percent of voters. Kiai Ma’ruf has even been reconciling his relationship with groups seen to have been resistant to his candidacy.

While they work on their public images, both are assisted by teams of experts and consultants. Their


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