The Peaceful Path of Old Preachers

EIGHT ulemas from various parts of the archipelago spread Islam to different corners of what is today known as Indonesia. Faced with many challenges, such as stormy seas and isolation in their new homes, they worked to preach the religion, embracing communities that did not share their faith with their knowledge and wisdom. Like the wali (saints) before them, these ulemas promoted a peaceful and compassionate Islam.


May 26, 2020


Abd al-Rauf al-Sinkili—or Abdurrauf al-Singkili—who had the highest legal and religious authority in the Aceh Sultanate in the 1660s, was faced with a great challenge. He had to put an end to a religious conflict between Muslims, which had claimed lives in Aceh, a region known as Serambi Mekah (Mecca’s Veranda).

At the time, followers of Sheikh Nuruddin ar-Raniri were hunting down those who subscribed to the Wahdatul Wujud ideo


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May 26, 2020


May 26, 2020


May 26, 2020


May 26, 2020