Playing With Fire for Some Normalcy
Businesses are lobbying to push the government to put the so-called ‘new normal’ into effect amid the coronavirus pandemic. Unarmed with clear indicators, the government has instructed dozens of regions, some of which are still in the red zone, to return to quasi-normalcy. With still very few specimens tested, various experts are predicting a second-wave outbreak.
Raymundus Rikang
June 2, 2020

INDONESIAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Chairman, Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, visited the State Palace several days before end-of-fasting-month celebration Idul Fitri in answer to President Joko Widodo’s invitation. Rosan spoke of the country’s worsening economy amid the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic to the President.
On the occasion, Rosan also relayed the complaints of businesses regarding the government