Ghost Protocol Against Activists

Cyberattacks were launched against activists critical of government policies. Cyberterrorists are hacking WhatsApp and social media accounts, not to mention stealing and circulating personal data. It is likely that the hackers hijacked messages containing one-time-passwords sent by WhatsApp. Tempo investigates into these acts of cyberterrorism.

Raymundus Rikang

June 29, 2020

AT around 7pm, June 10, Chairul Rahman Arif received three messages from three different numbers on his WhatsApp. The leader of Lampung University’s student press, Teknokra, was shocked when he read the messages. The senders questioned Chairul’s intention for organizing a discussion themed Racial Discrimination against Papuans.

The messages also contained threats. “Be careful on the road, Bro,” said one of the messages. A


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