It’s A Lie If the Government Claims to Be Unaware that Joko Tjandra Is in Malaysia

Bank Bali fugitive Joko Soegiarto Tjandra’s return home in July caused public uproar. His lawyer, Anita Kolopaking, explained why Joko prefer to stay in Malaysia.


July 14, 2020

JOKO'S legal defense team, led by Anita Kolopaking, is accused of covering up his presence in Indonesia. But Anita denies that she hid Joko. On Friday, July 10, Anita spoke to Tempo journalists Linda Trianita and Raymundus Rikang at the Sovereign Plaza about her client’s trip to Indonesia and the legal steps he is taking.

You and your team are being accused of hiding Joko Tjandra while he was in Indonesia.

Where would I have hidden him?


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July 14, 2020