A New Light for a Boarding School Community

Najmatul Millah and her husband built an Islamic boarding school in Jember, East Java, which features a more formal curriculum. She spreads the word about fulfilling women’s rights.


July 27, 2020


THE call to prayer seemingly operated as a school bell on the grounds of the Nurul Jadid Al-Islami pesantren (Islamic boarding school) in Sumberwringin village, Jember, East Java. That day, Wednesday, July 15, just as the azan (call to prayer) had completed, dozens of female students dressed in green uniforms spilled out of the classrooms. They quickly prepared what they needed to pray the early afternoon prayer in congregation. “Mbak,


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July 27, 2020


July 27, 2020


July 27, 2020


July 27, 2020