Sharing and Qur’an Study

Ratna Ulfatul Fuadiyah combines religious teaching with economic empowerment. Religious teachings tend to be more easily accepted.


July 27, 2020

TWO years ago, a debt collector visited Ratna Ulfatul Fuadiyah in Borokulon village, Banyuurip subdistrict, Purworejo, Central Java. This time, the debt collector, who was often seen in the village, did not come to collect debt, but rather to protest. “Ibu has killed my livelihood,” said the 39-year-old woman, quoting the debt collector, in mid-July.

The debt collector was furious because fewer and fewer Borokulon residents were borr


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July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020