A Tragic End of Poor Procurement

The procurement process for protective equipment during the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be riddled with issues. The health ministry’s chief of health crisis center, as the commitment-making official, appointed a company with no experience in manufacturing personal protective equipment or PPE. The move resulted in the scarcity of protective equipment, which may have caused health workers to be infected with Covid-19. This report was made possible through the collaboration between Tempo, Tempo Institute, and Free Press Unlimited.

Raymundus Rikang

September 7, 2020

PILES of cardboard boxes lay inside GA Indonesia’s office in Cibinong, Bogor, West Java, on Friday, September 4. The office’s lobby, cafeteria, health clinic, and employee locker room were packed with Kaltech-brand personal protective equipment (PPE). GA Indonesia Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Song Sung Wook, said his office is holding 37,000 boxes, each weighing 20 kilograms. “Containing 2 million PPE sets,” he said.



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September 7, 2020

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September 7, 2020