Umi Sardjono and Allegations Against Gerwani

Tempo again presents a special report as an effort to verify the historical claims manufactured by Suharto’s regime surrounding the September 30, 1965 tragedy. This time, we wish to present the life, activism, and ideas of Gerwani Chair, Umi Sardjono.

Moyang Kasih Dewi Merdeka

October 4, 2021

UMI Sardjono’s fellow political prisoners remember her as a quiet person. Several witnesses say they rarely saw the woman born under the name Suharti Sumodiwirjo break into unrestrained laughter. In prison, she was isolated. Fellow inmates often saw Umi deep in quiet contemplation while embroidering.

Not much changed after she was released from prison. The former Indonesian Women’s Movement (Gerwani) general chairperson lived in soli


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October 4, 2021