Bribery in the Mining Company Shares Dispute

Helmut Hermawan, who admitted to bribing Deputy Justice and Human Rights Minister Eddy Hiariej, is indicted in 11 criminal cases. It is  the fallout from fighting over company stocks.

Riky Ferdianto

November 6, 2023

TO investigate the alleged bribery received by the Deputy Justice and Human Rights Minister Edward Omar Sharif Hiafiej, also known as Eddy Hiariej, the police and prosecutors are tracing the root of the bribery case by questioning the former Director of Citra Lampia Mandiri, Helmut Hermawan. Helmut is suspected of bribing Eddy Hiariej with Rp7 billion (around US$450,000) and providing a gratuity of Rp1 billion (US$64,000). Helmut admitted to


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