Bintan Saragih, Who Demamded Anwar Usman to be Dishonorably Dismissed

Bintan Saragih demanded a closed examination of constitutional justices. He had once been among those delivering a lenient sanction on Arief Hidayat.

Francisca Christy Rosana

November 13, 2023

PRIOR to the examination of nine Constitutional Court (MK) justices, there was a debate in the Constitutional Court's Ethics Council (MKMK). MKMK Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie asked that the investigation of the justices, including MK Chief Justice Anwar Usman, be openly conducted. Meanwhile, a member of the council, Bintan Saragih, wanted the probe to be behind closed doors.

To Tempo at the Senayan legislative complex, Jakarta, on Wednesday, N


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