From Companies for Corporations

The distribution of plantation funds for rejuvenating individually-owned oil palm trees has been chaotic. It pales in comparison to the amount of money given to the biodiesel program.

Khairul Anam

June 16, 2020


A two-page letter was sent from Tiumang, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra, to Jakarta in mid-May. The sender, the Bukit Jaya Village Unit Cooperative (KUD), was complaining about Rp1.4 billion of funds not being released to carry out oil palm tree rejuvenation activities on their land. “We suspect that the Dharmasraya Agriculture Office is attempting to obstruct this disbursement,” wrote Yusrizal, the Bukit Jaya KUD chairman who sign


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June 16, 2020


June 16, 2020


June 16, 2020


June 16, 2020