Guarantees of Unlucky Number Eleven
Askrindo has stumbled into a chaotic claim against Rp190 billion worth of bank guarantees. The policy issuance was filled with oddities.
Khairul Anam
April 18, 2022
AFTER planning it since the end of last year, Erwan Djoko Hermawan and Vincentius Wilianto finally met with Mohamed Daupik Alkaff. On Thursday, April 14, Daupik saw the two directors of Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Askrindo) at Graha Askrindo, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, to brief them about the development of an arbitration lawsuit filed by his company, Bara Daya Energi. "The two said that within two months a decision will be made," Erwan Djoko Herma