Haedar Nashir of Muhammadiyah: God Willing, Muhammadiyah is Already Satisfied

Muhammadiyah follows Nahdlatul Ulama’s step to accept mining concession offer from the government. Muhammadiyah General Chair Haedar Nashir explains about it.

Shinta Maharani

August 5, 2024


AFTER intense debate and controversy, the Central Executive Board (PP) of Muhammadiyah has finally accepted the government’s mining concession offer. This decision follows the stance taken by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), another religious-based community organization.

Haedar Nashir, General Chair of PP Muhammadiyah, stated that Muhammadiyah will carefully evaluate this opportunity, and if the drawbacks outweigh the benefits, the offe


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