Police Thwart Rare Parrot-Smuggling Attempt

Harbor police at Tanjung Perak Port in Surabaya, East Java have arrested a man attempting to smuggle 24 critically endangered parrots out of the country.

After two live birds were discovered hidden inside a jerrycan carried by the suspect, Mulyono, a subsequent inspection uncovered 21 more live birdseach of them thrust inside a 1,500 ml plastic water bottle.

May 19, 2015

Harbor police at Tanjung Perak Port in Surabaya, East Java have arrested a man attempting to smuggle 24 critically endangered parrots out of the country.

After two live birds were discovered hidden inside a jerrycan carried by the suspect, Mulyono, a subsequent inspection uncovered 21 more live birdseach of them thrust inside a 1,500 ml plastic water bottle.

It is the third arrest made for wildlife smuggling at the port in the last two months.



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