Leonardo DiCaprio in Aceh's Leuser Park

A merican actors Adrien Brody and Fisher Stevens accompanied Leonardo DiCaprio on his site visit last week. During his two-day trip to the ecosystemthe last place on earth where Sumatran tigers, rhinos, elephants and orangutans still live side-by-side in the wildDiCaprio stopped by an orangutan sanctuary and visited an elephant conservation group in East Aceh. It is in this corner of the ecosystem that lowland forests, the favored climates for many of the ecosystem's critically endangered iconic species, are best preserved.

On his Twitter page, DiCaprio called for solidarity with those fighting to protect Leuser from new roads, oil palm plantations, mines and logging operations. "Lets work together to #SaveLeuserEcosystem, a biodiversity hotspot," DiCaprio tweeted, urging his 15 million followers to sign a petition addressed to President Jokowi, Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo and Aceh Governor Zaini Abdullah at change.org.

April 5, 2016

A merican actors Adrien Brody and Fisher Stevens accompanied Leonardo DiCaprio on his site visit last week. During his two-day trip to the ecosystemthe last place on earth where Sumatran tigers, rhinos, elephants and orangutans still live side-by-side in the wildDiCaprio stopped by an orangutan sanctuary and visited an elephant conservation group in East Aceh. It is in this corner of the ecosystem that lowland forests, the favored climates for m


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