The Fight over Mangroves Management

The proposal to extend the tenure of the Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency is suspected to be driven by the Environment and Forestry Ministry’s desire to take over the management of all mangroves. The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry strongly rejects it.

Avit Hidayat

August 12, 2024

SINCE the end of last year, Hartono Prawiraatmadja has often been engaged in intensive discussions with Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar at the Manggala Wanabakti Building in Central Jakarta. The Chairperson of Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) specifically discussed the future of his agency, which is set to dissolve on December 31, 2024, despite many tasks related to peatland restoration and mangrove rehabilitat


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