Reducing Gorontalo Forest into Wood Pellets

A biomass plant has the potential to clear 693,795 hectares of Gorontalo’s forest. The raw material for the wood pellets intended for export comes from deforestation.

Avit Hidayat

September 9, 2024


THE cargo ship Lakas, owned by the Philippine company Sealynx Shipmanagement Inc., was finally able to resume its voyage to the South China Sea on Saturday, August 24. The 2015-built vessel, which was carrying 10,545 tons of wood pellet biomass, had been intercepted by the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) patrol boat, the KN Gajah Laut 404, in the early hours of August 16.

Commanded by Lt. Col. Agus Tri Haryanto, the KN Gajah L


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