The Village Frenzy

In recent years, cinema awards events have rarely taken the comedy genre seriously. A well-made comedy film that conveys a message is now a thing of the past. But in Mekah I’m Coming, we rediscover it. This is why the movie is elected as Tempo’s best film of 2020.


December 22, 2020


COMEDY often falls victim to stereotyping, such as the horror genre during an awards ceremony. The fact is, it is not without precedent. Si Doel Anak Sok Modern (Sjuman Djaja, 1976), Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap (Chaerul Umam and Asrul Sani, 1986), atau Cintaku di Rumah Susun (Nja’ Abbas Acup, 1987) are among Indonesia’s best comedy films to have ever been made. 

In general, comedies—or horrors—rarely have that holy t


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December 22, 2020


December 22, 2020


December 22, 2020


December 22, 2020