Keeping the Energy of Potehi Alive

During the period of the Chinese New Year celebrations, Imlek and Cap Go Meh, several performances of wayang potehi (traditional Chinese hand puppets) were held in Jakarta. Three dalang (puppeteers) are trying their utmost to save the art from dying out.

March 17, 2010

HE is 77 years old. But his hands can still skillfully bring the small puppets to life. Creng...creng...creng. Sie Teng San, son of commander, Sie Djin Kwie, has been challenged by the beautiful swordswoman, Hwan Lee Hwa. Hiattt…They fight. The puppeteer sings the opening recitation in Hokkianese.

This was the senior puppeteer, Thio Tiong Gie performing at the Harmony China Pavilion, in the Kebagusan Dalam district. Although he had undergone a


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