Beware Metropolis Virus

A new variant of dengue fever is born out of a marriage between different viruses of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The new virus thrives in cities with high population mobility. Symptoms of the disease are not clear as those infected show no signs of extreme fever. A high level of stress adds to the risk of a person being infected in the wet season.

February 10, 2010

DENGUE fever may strike anyone. Two weeks ago Michael D. Rusmin, CEO of Astra International, died of the disease with no symptoms well-known to the public: high fever, red spots on the skin, nausea, headache, and pain. Reportedly, the 56-year-old did not show any such symptoms. He just didn’t feel well. After several days in a hospital in Jakarta he was flown to Singapore for further treatment. Doctors failed to save his life.

The case shows h


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