Mystery Deaths

A plainclothes policeman was seen carrying an icebox in a yellow plastic bag on the fifth floor of Siloam Hospital, Karawaci, Tangerang, on Wednesday last week. The icebox contained the remainder of the hospital's Buvanest-labeled anesthetic injection ampules. "Today we bring this evidence to be examined together," said Herkutanto, chairman of the Health Ministry's Serious Sentinel Case Analysis Team.

April 14, 2015

A plainclothes policeman was seen carrying an icebox in a yellow plastic bag on the fifth floor of Siloam Hospital, Karawaci, Tangerang, on Wednesday last week. The icebox contained the remainder of the hospital's Buvanest-labeled anesthetic injection ampules. "Today we bring this evidence to be examined together," said Herkutanto, chairman of the Health Ministry's Serious Sentinel Case Analysis Team.

In February, two patients died after being prepp


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