Cancer-Killing Leaf

Different types of cancers and tumors seem to plague Labudiala's family. Labudiala, also known as Budi, came to this conclusion after losing six of his siblings to bone and colon cancers, as well as two of his own children to brain cancer and leukemia. "So I wasn't shocked when the doctor said that I, too, had colon cancer," he said last Wednesday at his home in the Condet area of East Jakarta.

Budi received his diagnosis three years ago. Fortunately, the National Land Agency retiree learned of his illness early, while the cancer was still only at the third stage. Hoping to avoid the same fate as his family members, he decided to undergo surgery later that year.

July 14, 2015

Different types of cancers and tumors seem to plague Labudiala's family. Labudiala, also known as Budi, came to this conclusion after losing six of his siblings to bone and colon cancers, as well as two of his own children to brain cancer and leukemia. "So I wasn't shocked when the doctor said that I, too, had colon cancer," he said last Wednesday at his home in the Condet area of East Jakarta.

Budi received his diagnosis three years ago. Fortunatel


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