TempeThe Possible Dream

RUSTONO will never forget that special moment, some three years back, on a flight from Japan to Indonesia with his mother Paryumi. Up in the air, his mother reminisced about Rustono's life-long dream of flying.

Rustono smiled, recalling the time when, as a boy, he tended his neighbor's buffalos in a village some 25 kilometers from the town of Grobogan in Central Java. Lying on the back of a buffalo, he watched a tiny plane up in the sky. "I dreamed of flying right away," Rustono told Tempo English in an interview two weeks ago. Boy Rustono imagined himself flying to many countries.

April 5, 2016

RUSTONO will never forget that special moment, some three years back, on a flight from Japan to Indonesia with his mother Paryumi. Up in the air, his mother reminisced about Rustono's life-long dream of flying.

Rustono smiled, recalling the time when, as a boy, he tended his neighbor's buffalos in a village some 25 kilometers from the town of Grobogan in Central Java. Lying on the back of a buffalo, he watched a tiny plane up in the sky. "I dreamed o


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